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AI Literacy Act + STEAM in AI

The AI Literacy Act and STEAM in AI

What is The AI Literacy Act and Why Should You Care?

Right before the holidays, two US congressional representatives (Rep Lisa Blunt-Rochester – D-Del and Rep Larry Bruschon – R-Ind) introduced the AI Literacy Act – a step towards ensuring AI Literacy as a critical component of Digital Literacy for every American. You can find a summary of the bill here.

The AI Literacy Act codifies AI literacy as a key component of digital literacy and creates opportunities to incorporate it into existing programs.

The AI Literacy Act + STEAM in AI

DataEthics4All Foundation is excited to support the AI Literacy Act and bring STEAM in AI to all our Partner Schools.

STEAM in AI is a Trade School providing Career Technical Education for Artificial Intelligence Careers with a strong foundation of AI Ethics.

STEAM in AI is developed by former Adjunct Faculty at Stanford and an AI Ethics thought leader.

The School offers 2 Programs:

1. STEAM in AI Challenges – Innovative AI Challenges designed for middle and high school students, focusing on introducing them to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its ethical implications without learning how to code.

2. STEAM in AI Intensive – Mentor led, hands on experiential learning in Artificial Intelligence where students learn the fundamentals of AI Ethics, learn how to clean data, write code, build an AI model and perform computational research.

Our goal through these both STEAM in AI Programs is to prepare students for future careers in AI and related fields.

STEAM in AI Challenges are uniquely crafted to prepare students for future careers in AI and related fields, without requiring any prior coding experience, earning volunteer hours and creating social impact.

Volunteer hours may be accrued towards the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Award if eligible.

Come, Partner with STEAM in AI and Join Us in Raising an Ethics 1st Data + AI Skilled Workforce!!

We invite Nonprofits, Companies and Foundations to Partner with Us so we can reach many more economically disadvantaged students.

The mission of DataEthics4All Foundation is to raise Ethics 1st Data and AI Champions.

DataEthics4All Foundation’s STEAM in AI is a Data and AI Ethics Intensive for high school students that offers introduction to data science, coding, AI model building, research methodology, and tech ethics.

At the end of 10 Weeks, every Student will have a AI Project on Github and have their name as a contributor to the Research Paper. They will also earn a Certificate of Completion.

Summer Cohort Registrations open!! Register Today.

Take advantage of our Data and AI Ethics Ecosystem: Great Network of Data and AI Experts

DataEthics4All Foundation has built a Community of 1,500 Data and AI Experts, Professionals and Peers from 71 Countries across the Globe, with a total reach of 1M+ across channels and partners.